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Dog Trivia

Some fascinating facts about dogs that may surprise you!

The oldest example of domesticated dogs (ie living with humans) is from 14,000 years ago in Bonn-Oberkassel, Germany. Archaeologists discovered a grave that contained the remains of two humans and their dog!

In the UK we’re known as dog lovers. Our Kings and Queens loved them too. You’ll often spot them in portraits of royalty. King Charles II even had a type of spaniel named after him!

Winston Churchill – a very famous Prime Minister during World War II - was often compared to a British Bulldog because he was tough, determined and strong. He actually owned a black miniature poodle called Rufus.

Because of their intelligence and skills, dogs can be trained to sniff out humans, drugs, weapons and explosives. In World War II dogs worked in London finding survivors during the blitz. One dog, Irma had a special gift - if the person she found was alive she would bark for joy, if they were dead she would merely indicate to her handler where the body was.

The Dickin Medal (set up in 1943 by Maria Dickin founder of the PDSA People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) is awarded to animals displaying incredible bravery during wartime.

In 2003 Buster, a Springer Spaniel, received the Dickin Medal for discovering a hidden cache of weapons explosives in Iraq, which probably saved the lives hundreds of people.

Another Dickin Medal Winner and ne of the latest to be awarded it is also a friend of mine, his name is


He is actually a Springer/Labrador Cross who with his handler and friend of mine ex military

Sargeant David Heyhoe

regularly visit me for socialisation and a sleepover

More details can be found by clicking on Treo's photo below for a You Tube Link

or check out the dedicated Treo page in this site

ps. I highly recommend David's book

"It's all about Treo: Life & War with the World's Bravest Dog"

which tells of his life experiences with Treo and makes me realise how lucky many of us are to be civilians in the UK
